
The overall purpose of TAPPAS visualization is to help the users to abstract, analyse and compare the following information: (1) 3D particle locations (longitude, latitude, altitude) (2) Particle density (3) Particle dispersion, i.e., temporal variations of both particle densities and 3D locations.

Visualization Tasks

Given that in the existing TAPPAS web application, temporal information is visualized through a time slider + animation, the longitude and latitude information can be easily projected on the map, the specific visualization tasks at this stage will be investigating an effective way to visualize:

Proposed Solutions

HYSPLIT model outputs both concentration and 3D particle locations for each simulation run. If we simply plot the 3D particle locations, the density information can be represented by the number of particles dispersed in a region, and particle altitude can be examined through user interaction (eg. tilting the earth). However, due to occlusion problem of the 3D particles, it is difficult to discern both the density and altitude information in a single static visualization. At the same time, HYSPLIT outputs the concentration (via polygon data) and 3D particle locations (via point data) as two seperate files (using different resolutions and representations*), so the real problem is how to combine and relate the two data sources (i.e. concentration polygons and particle location points) in the same visualization. Different approaches are proposed here for further evaluation.